A story from South Africa

Long, long time ago there lived two beautiful sisters
who were as different as night and day. They were Dambisa and Duma. While
Dambisa was quiet, kind and caring, Duma was loud, stubborn and selfish. Duma would
offend people and Dambisa would clean Duma’s mess.
Not far away there was kingdom with a very
handsome prince, but he was a prince under a spell of a very wicket witch. Whenever
night time came, he would be turned into a snake. The witch had told the royal
family that, the only thing that would save the prince was if an honest, quiet
and caring girl would fall in love with him and loved him unconditionally.
All the
girls in the neighbourhood kingdoms tried but nothing came out of it, the
minute they saw a black mamba coming to them during the night, they would run
like the wind.
Now, the strong headed, stubborn Duma thought
that she was the one to marry the prince, and off she went to the palace. Along
the way she met an old woman with a very heavy load on her head and the woman
asked Duma to help her, “please my daughter help me with this load, it is too
heavy for me”, and stubborn Duma answered the woman without thinking twice “go
to whoever put it there so they can take it off, as for me I can’t waste my
time, my husband the prince is waiting for me”, and off she went. Halfway to
the palace she met a man who walked backwards, ”Please my daughter, show me the
way to the market”, and the ever ready to answer Duma answered back, ”when you
left your house, were you expecting to get to the market walking like that?,
and she clapped her hands and laughed at the man, leaving the poor man to
wonder off alone.
Finally, she made it to the palace and she was taken
into a hut where she was asked to make beer and to everyone’s surprise she told
everyone, that she was there for her prince and not for making beer. Before leaving
her, she was warned not to scream if she saw anything frightening.
As night time came, she became tired and
decided to take a nap. She was woken up by something hissing next to her, and
when she opened her eyes she saw a snake, a big black mamba looking at her and
hissing. For once she had no words to say, she could not even fight, all she
thought about was getting out of that hut and that’s what she did, she ran
until she got home!
Dambisa knowing her sister and not wanting her
to get into trouble followed Duma without Duma’s knowledge. When Duma refused
to help the old woman, Dambisa helped her and the old woman gave her blessings
and when Duma refused to help the old man who was walking backwards, Dambisa
helped him and showed him the way to the market, and also this man thanked
Dambisa and gave her blessings. When Dambisa got to the palace, she was placed
in another hut and was also told to make beer and she did. She was also given
the same instructions as her sister of not screaming when she saw something frightening.
Just like Duma, Dambisa also decided to take a
nap, and when she woke up, she also heard the hissing sound, and when she
looked closer she saw a mamba, instead of her shouting and running away she
just froze and the snake left her alone. Because she did not run away, she was
kept in the hut and the snake came to her every night, and for some weird
reason she grew fond of the snake, when the snake was not there, she would miss
One day, the snake did not leave the hut and as
the rays of the sun came into the room, the snake turned into a very handsome prince
and he told her the whole story. By then Dambisa was already in love with the
prince and not even frightened of the snake.
That night the prince didn’t turn back into a
snake, and everyone was overjoyed because finally the prince was cured from the
spell. And everyone knew that Dambisa was the right girl for him!!
They got married and lived happily ever after!!
Oh! as for Duma, she finally realised that
being good hearted had its rewards!!!, she learned from her mistakes and turned
a new leaf!!
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